
One of our community members, Renea Reay-Buchholz, shared this recipe of hers, which I reprint with permission:


½ cup sourdough starter
½ cup molasses
2 cups flour – I used whole wheat einkorn
½ tsp salt
¼ cup water
Mix up, and put in fridge for 6 hours.
½ cup butter
½ cup coconut sugar, or sorghum, or honey – if honey or sorghum you should eliminate water and increase flour by ¼ cup
½ tsp cinnamon
¾ tsp ginger
¼ tsp nutmeg
1/8 tsp cloves
½ tsp baking soda or 3/4 if using honey


Mix sourdough starter, molasses, flour, salt, water and put in the fridge for 6 hours.

Remove from fridge, let soften for maybe 30 minutes.

Meanwhile, cream butter with coconut sugar. Add cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, cloves, and baking soda. Mix well. add to above softened dough and return to fridge for at least an hour or so to firm back up. I put it in fridge overnight.

Roll out somewhat thin and bake at 375 degrees for 12 minutes.


The next batch I make I would like to mix entire recipe and put in fridge, wait 6 hours and bake as soon as I take it out. Not sure if baking soda has an effect on the sourdough starter.

As I rolled out the dough was a bit soft, so I added plenty of flour to my work surface and kept it well floured throughout the process.

All experimental!
